100 Dollars is equivalent to ₦161000 in black market today, February 5, 2025. This means you can sell your 100 Dollars for ₦161000 in black market. Do you have more dollars to sell? Check out the conversion table below to know how much you should expect while selling your dollars.
Dollar To Naira Conversion Table
Dollar to Naira Black Market buy rates are used in converting the Dollar to Naira exchange rate below.
Amount in Dollar To Naira ($) | Black Market Exchange Rate in Naira |
1 US Dollar to Naira | 1610 |
5 US Dollars to Naira | 8050 |
10 US Dollars to Naira | 16100 |
20 US Dollars to Naira | 32200 |
50 US Dollars to Naira | 80500 |
100 US Dollars to Naira | 161000 |
200 US Dollars to Naira | 322000 |
500 US Dollars to Naira | 805000 |
1000 US Dollars to Naira | 1610000 |
2000 US Dollars to Naira | 3220000 |
5000 US Dollars to Naira | 8050000 |
How much is dollar to naira today in black market
As of today, Dollar is bought at ₦1610 and sold at ₦1615. See table below.
Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) | Black Market Today |
Buying Rate | ₦1610 |
Selling Rate | ₦1615 |
Disclaimer: The parallel market rates (commonly known as black market rates) displayed on this page are compiled from various online sources, including media outlets. Please note that the actual rates you encounter when buying or selling foreign currency may differ from those listed here. This platform does not set or determine foreign exchange rates.